Myself, At The Sound Barrier
Oil on canvas, 20 x 16 ”
Art keeps me sane
Timothy Leary Is Dead
(Hoppe Hoppe Reiter)
Oil on canvas board, 300 x 400 mm
One of my first oil paintings, and still a household favourite 15 years later as I write (and back-date) this note.
This is also known asĀ Hoppe Hoppe Reiter because it was once exhibited as a huge print in the Truman Brewery, east London, as part of an event sponsored by Hewlett Packard. They required that the letters H and P appear in the works title, so we got a little creative with the title.
The line drawing is by guest artist Olivia Dowling, whose present whereabouts are sadly unknown. Colouring by Bernd.
Olivia and Bernd at Home.
Ink and watercolour on paper, June 2003
This little thing is of outstanding importance because Olivia’s visit, this doodle and many other conversations around the visual arts turned this whole thing on for me and made me try out oil paints for the first time.
Watercolour on paper, approximately A4
One of my earliest works, clearly influenced by a Frida Kahlo biography which I read at the time. Don Giovanni is our (then) cat, who only dreamed of mice but never caught one.
The waterscape is in reference to the Day Skipper sailing course, which I completed at the same time in rough weather in the Solent.
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